This is the go to serum for oily skins to mop up the excess oil and keep the skin healthy and fight bad bacteria.
You will find high concentrations of Titrated Laminaria Algae which fights bad bacteria in oily skin!
For a little bit more of an in-depth understanding as to what is going on in acne skins read on …..
When the skin becomes infected, micro-organisms such as staphylococcus and pityrosporum Ovale have release enzymes, such as lipase and protease. Both of which, destroy triglycerides found in the skins sebum, these triglycerides in their broken state are what we call free fatty acids.
The fatty acids then set of inflammation and hyper-cornification of follicles (overly thickened sites of skin around follicles) these are what become our blackheads (comedones) pimples and cysts.
Our seaweed extract exclusive to Osaine reduces the growth of the bacteria and stops the breakdown of the testosterone that’s found in the skins sebum, stopping the less then idea function of the sebaceous glands restoring the skins environment.